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What Does RC Mean on Jewelry?

by JSA Support
What Does RC Mean on Jewelry?

While you may go shopping for jewelry and specifically during your search for rings, necklaces, or bracelets, for instance, some of the pieces that you will find may come with “RC.” Consumers and collectors who know about the meaning of this stamp or hallmark can gain some insight about the piece such as from where it was made, or its quality, or even the type of material that it is made of. Read on to learn more about what does rc mean on jewelry.

What Does RC Mean on Jewelry?

The “RC” marking commonly refers to “Rolled Gold” or “Rolled Gold Plate,” often on jewelry pieces even if it is stamped. Rolled Gold is an application commonly used in the gold industry that combines the use of heat and pressure to allow a thin layer of gold to be mechanically attached to a base metal most frequently brass.

Base Metal Core

In general, the middle of majority of Rolled Gold jewelry is made with either of two metals, namely; brass or copper. This metal plays the role of the frame and support in the context of the practical piece of jewelry.

Gold Layer

A layer of gold is vapor deposited often to a fragile layer of gold deposited over the base metal. The gold coating of this film also has variable depth but it is controlled through specific guidelines to make sure that it does not wear out too quickly.

Understanding the RC Marking


The “RC” is an indication of the company and its services, as well as a symbol of quality. It is also in the same place to provide a cautionary note to consumers and other jewelers that the piece of jewelry contains rolled gold.


When it comes to the regulations, you should know that in some regions, when jewelry has been marked as ‘rc’ then that means that specific standards of thickness have to be met for the gold layer and the bonding process. These regulations ensure that the gold jewelry lasts for a long period of time.

Misconceptions about RC Marking

Now that you have learned about and understood the rc marking, you should that a lot of people also have misconceptions about it. Some buyers think that rc means solid gold. This is why it is important for you to distinguish about this and make sure that you are aware about the different that real gold offers. Also, many people think that maintaining it so easy, but you should know that you should be avoiding all harsh chemicals as well as make sure that it is stored in a dry and cool place that isn’t wet. If you ensure proper cleaning your jewelry will last for a long period of time without any scratches or marks on it.

Rc 2


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What does RC mean on jewelry?

Rc on jewelry means that the piece of jewelry has a thin piece or layer of gold in it and it is a good alternative compared to solid gold.

Q2. How do I care for RC jewelry?

If you want to care for Rc jewelry, make sure you don’t use any harsh chemicals and always clean your pieces with a soft cloth.


As a customer, once you understand what does rc mean on jewelry, you will be able to make a better decision on the pieces you want to purchase. If you are looking for some exquisite, exclusive, and sophisticated pieces for an upcoming event or your wedding, then make sure to explore the options being offered at Park Place Jewelers.

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